“Respect yourself and others will respect you,” are few wise words by Confucius that often ring true in the classroom. Teachers often play a significant role in shaping the attitudes and mindsets of the younger generations. Modeling the practice of self-care will automatically impact your students positively.
Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health, it is not to be confused with being selfish, however focuses on enriching relationships, uplift moods, manage stress and reduces the chances of burnout.

Teacher support groups. Create a positive environment where you can share your grievances in a safe space and collaboratively help one another to take the weight off. Be the first one to encourage your colleagues, checking up on them, sharing recipes, creating a community where you can step out of your ‘teacher shoes’. Find a buddy with whom you can be accountable to for your self-care.
Have fun by organizing virtual parties with friends/family. Having fun and laughing is an essential part of maintaining your overall wellbeing. Organize plans for games and coffee chitchat sessions.
Intentionally schedule “me time” on your calendar or planner. Reward yourself for completing small tasks. Develop a relaxing evening ritual. Remind yourself of the good stuff in life by writing a list of things you’re grateful to have. Try some adult coloring/stitching kits/yoga as a form of anxiety and/or stress release. Take a moment to allow your feelings to be present without judging them and write it out in a journal.
Boundaries for Social wellbeing. Learn to say “no” necessary and prioritize your wellbeing. Call a trusted friend or family member and talk things out. Choose who you spend your time with today. Spend time with people who are enthusiastic and positive. This may include saying “No” to certain social media apps and taking "Mindful breaks"
Covid Stressors and triggers. If the news stresses you out, ask a loved one to update you about necessary events otherwise cancel the notifications and ongoing news running in the background while working. Precaution and paranoia are not the same thing.
Stay Fit. At this point, health is wealth. So prioritize home workouts by dancing or using the any fitness app, eat nutritional meals and plan ahead your schedule so you can get 8 hours of undisturbed rest. Use the ‘divide and conquer’ principal to work with your family members to get things done around the house.

Practice self-compassion. Ask yourself these questions: What would I say to myself to validate my feelings? What can I do to take care of my needs? How can I motivate myself with kindness, support and understanding rather than with criticism?
There may be times when you have a pile of work and may neglect yourself in the process. However, don’t beat yourself up and notice your internal dialogue! Pick yourself back up after every mishap, this growth mentality will help you model positive message to your students that mistakes are simply opportunities to explore new routes.
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