When the word MARRIAGE is addressed in our communities it usually brings in a notion that it is going to be happily ever after. When two people get married it is usually with the idea that it will last forever. However, with personality clashes and expectations that fall under the bar, the most common measure adopted is to separate or get a divorce. Now when a couple has been together for some time, it not only involves the people that are separating but also the individuals associated with them, like children, parents living with them. Separation of assets is also another difficult issue to discuss and sort out in a divorce.
Let’s look at some of the transitions that one goes through when a divorce happens:
1. Emotionally:
A divorce drains a person emotionally. The loss of companionship and the feeling of being alone is something that the individual will have to work through. This is an emotional reality wherein the person is not there anymore in one’s life. This also brings in a lot of painful emotions that can be difficult to wade through. This emotional reality begins the minute the divorce is announced. Every person handles these emotions differently, it can destroy a person and on the other handle this journey can also help a person to rise from the pain and get into action to help raise themselves to a higher plane. Though there are these ways that one can approach this season, one cannot deny the emotions that one will feel when the divorce is announced and the journey that it entails till it is final. Even after that the emotions of being separated and being alone are emotions that need to be battled by the individual.
2. Children & Parents:
When a divorce is announced, it not only affects the individuals involved in the relationship but also the ones associated with them. Children are usually the ones hit badly. As they wade through the reality of the divorce, it also entails what emotions they feel to each parent. They might be asked to choose and this is so difficult for the child and for the parents to hear. It can also lead to them feeling guilty for choosing the concerned parent and will always second guess if what they did was right. They might also be coerced into saying and doing things which they have no choice or voice to address. Parents who are dependent on the family might also find is exceptionally hard to make these changes as the individual makes the change from the partner. They may have to involve in the matter as there may be violence or badgering which will be difficult for the parents to watch.
3. Physical changes:
As much as there will be emotional baggage to deal with, there are physical changes that will come in as well. Once there is a divorce in play then the whole change of the home and the changes in bank accounts, changes in the way how they functioned as a team is no longer there. There is a lot of readjustments that need to be made and this will definitely need time. Each person needs to take the time that they need to get back on their time. Forcing one to get back to being themselves put a lot of pressure on them.