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Writer's pictureMeadows Of Hope

Is my insecurity showing?

"The opposite of security is insecurity, and the only way to overcome insecurity is to take risks." Author unknown

Insecurities are those attributes that make one feel that one is inadequate or not good enough. Insecurities are damaging not just to one area of our life but it seeps into many areas and relationships. It can break the spirit or the inner core of the individual.

Where do insecurities come from?

  1. This could have developed for a person as a child when he or she was never given time or importance. Usually in a home, when the parents are too busy or there are many children, the parents may not be able to give time to each child and help them feel loved.

  2. During school, when there is constant bullying and putting down of one's being and personality continuously, there could arise doubt and fear of being oneself with others.

  3. When there is a constant scrutiny on one's ability and no encouragement coming from any quarter.

Growing up with these insecurities can have its effect later on in life. It affects even in the family life - one would be suspicious of genuine comments of appreciation. How can one help oneself and become more secure in who they are? Here are some tips:

  1. Believing in yourself. Each person has qualities that are unique. Remembering this during difficult times will help boost the droopy spirit within.

  2. Take risks, step out of your comfort zone. Pursue a talent or a hobby that you have put on the back burner. Go and visit a place you have been meaning to for a long time.

  3. Have open talks with someone you trust. It will help you discuss your fears and it will relieve you from carrying this in your heart.

  4. Surround myself with friends and family members who inspire and motivate me to keep giving out my best.

  5. Celebrate your small achievements! Systematically record them and set apart a day when you go back and look at these achievements.

The best way to beat insecurities is to push those boundaries that you have set in your own mind about yourself. Beat the insecurity by pushing your boundaries!

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