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Writer's pictureMeadows Of Hope

Goal Setting for Success

So, have you given thought to your life and what you will be doing in five years? What is your focus for the following year? What do you want to achieve at the end of today? What about five hours from now?

Success cannot be attained without a plan. Planning needs to be broken down into baby steps; steps that are bite-sized. It has to be tailor made for your schedule and ability.

Goals setting offers direction and focus. It also gives you a direction to follow. It helps to take control of one’s life. It gives a benchmark for determining whether you are succeeding or whether you are falling behind. Goal setting requires careful thought and introspection. It needs an end goal and a finale which helps you to develop higher goals for yourself the next time.

Make sure that these are goals that highly motivate you. If these are goals that are close to your heart, it will automatically motivate you to pursue it. MOTIVATION is essential for attaining these goals. Another danger to keep in mind is that if we keep too many goals then the highest priority goals will probably get side lined.

The most common acronym used for goal setting is SMART.

· Goals should be Specific: Goals need to be planned to the “T”. There needs to clear and precise. Having a picture of what I want to achieve is very important,

· Goals need to be Measurable: This planning includes a start and finishing date. When to start and when to finish, how much time each step requires also need to factored in.

· Goals should be Attainable: The goals need to be attainable. If you set goals that are too high and when they are not attained it could lead to disappointment and demoralization. Make sure the goals are challenging and realistic so that they push you forward and not take you a few steps behind.

· Goals need to be Realistic: The goals should be connected to what you want to achieve finally. It should be relevant to the goal you set. Setting a wide range of goals will hamper the growth of that particular task. It should be goals that are achievable and real.

· Goals have to be Time bound: There has to be a finishing timeline for the goals. If this is not set then it will go on forever and that is not challenging enough. When there is a timeline, there will be an urgency and inspiration to finish that task.

Unless you carefully design your goals, it may be difficult to be steadfast in achieving those goals.

Stay focussed on the goals and success will be sure to follow!

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