When we hear the word death, there is a lot of emotion that come up in our hearts and mind. Death is not easy to deal with. Having said that, understanding this aspect of death will help the transition going.
What is this concept called death?
Death as we understand it is an irreversible condition where there is cessation of breath and the vital functions. Additional to this there is stoppage of the heart activity, respiration, and brain activity which leads to end of life. When there is lack of oxygen there will be a death of the organs and over time there is cessation of life.
Brain death is a terminology where the brain ceases to function. This can happen when there is a lack of oxygen to the brain. However, brain dead does not mean complete death. This is the stage of being dead in death as in not breathing. When there is a lack of oxygen and the whole body dies slowly but surely.
What does it involve?
When we speak about death, it is not just the cessation of life, there are many emotions that come into play. With death comes the grief of having to deal with the individual not being there. The individual not being there anymore, in the physical sense is a great loss. The denial that one is passed on, the stages of grief, the fears associated with the death of the loved one are just a few of the aspects of death.
So as much as the physical aspects are involved there is also a lot of emotional aspect that is at play here. As much as the physical warmth is missing so also the emotional connection is missing. When death happens, there is a sense of loss that the individual has to make sense off. This comes with a lot of pain that the person experiences.
This involves processing emotions that come with death.
There are mainly two types of responses that can happen:
1. Healthy crying and verbalizing the emotions is important because it causes a lot of release for the individual. If an individual doesn’t speak of these emotions, it will build up and this can make the individual feel miserable through the process of grieving.
2. Speaking out emotions that one feels with the death of a loved one is another healthy way to deal with death. Speaking out helps to identify what the individual is going through and it also eases the process of expressing those sad thoughts and emotions.
3. Not speaking out but keeping those emotions in the heart and living in denial. Will end up being dangerous This could also lead to serve emotional trauma. It can affect the person emotionally in a deep way.
When the person has the opportunity to speak about how they feel about the loss of the individual.They will feel a lot less light. This has a profound effect on the individual mourning the loss of the loved one.