The nationwide lockdown was enforced recently as the ideal and best solution to minimize the spread of the new covid-19 strains. Naturally, we bump heads with the boredom and loneliness that comes with staying at home.
However, we must recognize that in these dire times, staying at home is a privilege not a punishment since many segments of our population do not have access to the basic amenities that we enjoy.
There are a world of possibilities yet to be discovered, so break your lockdown blues by optimally using your time to grow and thrive:

1) Take up freelancing projects
Do you have a skill that could benefit other people? It could be Photoshop, Calligraphy, Content writing, Music etc. Whatever your skill is, you can promote it on online platforms like (India) and (International) as a paid service for others to avail virtually. Create a portfolio of the work you prepare and put yourself out there. You never know if it would make an impact, unless you try!
2) Start a book club
Do you have a list of books that are getting dusty on your bookshelf? Maybe now’s the time to discover your inner bookworm and do so with a little help from your friends. You can choose a book of your own preference or a common book available on PDF and fix a time each week or month to meet and discuss your ideas and opinions. This would be a great way to reconnect with friends.
3) Learn a new skill or Join an online course
With the easy access to resources online, there’s plenty of resources online which offer free lessons/lectures such as or Even watching TED talks, YouTube documentaries and listening to podcasts on is great way to expand your knowledge base. You can also learn skills on such as origami, coding, lettering, water-coloring, public speaking, photoshop, video editing, digital marketing to name a few. What is one skill that you’ve always wanted to develop? Now is the time to get to it!
4) Become an online content creator
If you have ideas that you’d like to share with the world, start by creating an online platform such as a blogsite using or to upload the content you have created. If you ae passionate about creating videos, you don’t need fancy equipment, make use of the mobile device you own and create some magic with the Davinci Resolve software on Utilize your time by channeling your creativity into a video, song, poetry, artwork or article.
5) Learn an instrument
Is there an instrument you’ve always wanted to learn? Go on to buy the instrument of your choice and start learning on YouTube. There are plenty of instrumental apps that help you tune and learn chords, notes and music theory. It might be a bit of an investment, however it’s worth it if you put your mind to it!
6) Go on a creative venture
Start a DIY project that will take time and effort to complete. The options available are unlimited, such as a diamond painting, paper quilling, crocheting, origami, oil painting, cotton string lights and the list goes on. This acts not only as a great stress buster but can also brighten up your living space!
7) Engage in social work
Take a moment to brainstorm of ways you can be of service to those in your community. Maybe that would involve preparing few meals for families affected by covid, maybe it involves virtual tutoring or it could even be starting a donation drive for the migrant workers/economically challenged segment of society. This will take a bit of planning, coordination and team work, so why not include those who are equally as passionate about the cause as you are!
8) Create a spa day at home
On some days, you just have to stop with the hustle and just indulge in some self-pampering! You can start of the spa day by setting the mood - lighting some candles or an oil diffuser, putting on some relaxing music and prepare a refreshing drink! Next is to use a skin, hair and eye care mask, which can be purchased on or you can prep your own organic home-made masks. Put on your favorite bathrobe, kick your feet up and relax while your body soaks up all the goodness!
9) Try out a new recipe
Bring your taste buds to life by spicing up your home menu with international cuisines! Why not try dishes that you would not conventionally try? How about preparing some delicious Mexican fajitas or mouthwatering African jollof rice! It doesn’t matter if you substitute the traditional ingredients with whats available, the point is that, you are trying something new!
10) Decorate your space
Why not revamp and upgrade your office space, with DIY home décor that won’t break the bank! There are a plenty of ways you can create a new fresh look to your office, kitchen and dining hall. Create a picture wall by printing out your favorite memories with loved ones. Recycle old glass bottles with jute and hemp, and place a plant within to create a sophisticated look. Reusing old cloth material to make cushion covers. This may require you to stop by the tailor shop or even inspire you to begin stitching as a hobby!
11) Embark on a fitness challenge
It can be hard to commit to working out after a long day of working from home, however why not start small with a 21 day fitness challenge, where you dedicate 15 minutes each day to working out with a fitness app such as FITIFY or CULTFIT along with your friends. Take a note of how you feel by the end of each week, and you will realize how much of a difference working out makes
12) Help out your family members
One productive way to use your free time is by offering support to a family member with work around the home. How about preparing meals for your family or reading the newspaper to your grandparents. How about buying a board game to play with your children? Helping others out is a great way to bond and build on relationships, it shifts the focus from yourself and puts the needs of others first. This will surprisingly alleviate your mood and broaden your perspective!
13) Make some Friends Online!
Finding friends who share common interests is a great part of life, however in times like this we are limited to the virtual world of socializing. So why not make the best of what we have! Start a virtual activity club where you share your mutual interests, recommendations and discovering new artists together! It could be related a specific genre of music or fandoms of a television series. Prepare a poster inviting those from your immediate friend circle to join and ask them to spread the word online. This could be your opportunity to reignite some old friendships and make new ones too.
14) Gratitude Chart
There’s nothing that quite lifts up the mood like a gratefulness chart. Have you tried this out yet? If not, take a sheet of paper and write down five things you are grateful for that happened each day. It doesn’t have to be extraordinary, however even appreciating things as simple as having a roof over your head can put things into perspective!
15) Learn a new language
It’s always good to expand your horizons and learn something new. Is there a particular language that you find intriguing and thought was impossible to grasp? Well, now is your chance to learn the basics. Just dedicating 10 minutes each day to with a language app such as DUOLINGO or MEMRISE which assigns you simple tasks to help you learn while having fun! Another way to learn new languages is by watching foreign movies with subtitles.
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